Todd in the shadows mac and devin
Todd in the shadows mac and devin

todd in the shadows mac and devin

All of it was surreal for him, because inside, he still could not let go of the ominous sense of doom that he knew had to be around the corner. Amazed at the proceedings: her crying, then screaming, him coaching her the way he never thought he could, the noises of the medical team, the instruments around them, the lights and the beeps, his own heart racing in his chest, her hand squeezing his in a vice-like grip, the doctor's voice with instructions. In a strange science fiction way, he felt detached. Time seemed to flash by and also drone on. Todd could neither make the moments go faster, nor hold onto them. The doctor at the foot of the gurney said loudly, "All right, Blair, when I tell you, it's going to be time to push.

todd in the shadows mac and devin

"Todd," she said, tears flowing, "finally. "You can." He took her hand and kissed it. He turned back to Blair, "Everything is going to be okay. The baby was breech the doctor turned the baby, though, and things seem to be evening out. She looked at him and through her mask, he could see that she was smiling, it was in her eyes. Almost afraid to say something, he turned to one of the nurses who was wiping Blair's brow. The doctors spoke in urgent, short bursts that were ridden with medical terminology. "Shhh," he said, "None of that, you can, you will." I can't." He petted her hair, and smoothed it back.

todd in the shadows mac and devin

He took her hand, and he told her, in a whisper, "Let's bring Moonbeam home. Doctors and nurses were all around her, and she was crying out, so much, he could barely stand it. He squeezed it gently, and turned to the room, entering with a nervous twinge in his stomach.īlair was on the gurney, her hair matted with sweat. He took the woman's hand, and in its softness, he felt a great deal of strength. "Now, ya had better get yourself going, before that babe makes an appearance without you." He couldn't say anything but something gracious to the wonderful older woman. I love it, many of the young men in Ireland wear their hair this way." "If I were a bit younger and not married to the church." She fixed his scrubs cap on his head, and handed him a rubber band. Manning." Sister Rebecca greeted him as he came out of the changing room.

Todd in the shadows mac and devin